Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

February 2024
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Schedule of Events

February 1 CONTRA CCB Ric Goldman (Portland, OR) The Cain Raisers, Craig Johnson, Erik Hoffman, Stefan Curl
February 2 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston Patti Cobb, Michelle Masek, Richard Page
English dancing for all - dance 7:30-10:00
February 6 ENGLISH ASE Bruce Hamilton Bill Jensen, Renata Bratt, Valerie Rose
February 8 ENGLISH CCB Bruce Herbold Betsy St. Aubin, Patti Cobb, Michelle Masek
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
February 8 ENGLISH CCB Bruce Herbold Betsy St. Aubin, Patti Cobb, Michelle Masek
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
February 9 REGENCY/ENGLISH (BACDS, BAERS) SME Alan Winston Divertimento
February 10 CONTRA FUM Kelsey Hartman Pie Ranch String Band, Lucas Lawson, Fox Pettinotti, Leland Mackessy
February 10 ENGLISH/REGENCY/SPECIAL (BAERS, TF52) SJOF Alan Winston Divertimento, James Langdell
BAERS and the Odd Fellows team up to present a Jane Austen style ball in the charming Odd Fellows hall in San Jose. Doors 7:30, dance 8:00; period costume (1790s-1820s) admired but not required, formal or festive wear appreciated. The program will be extremely accessible dances mostly from Jane Austen's lifetime, led by Alan Winston. Experienced dancers will find no challenges. First-timers very welcome. The hall holds about 60 so we may fill up; pay in advance to avoid disappointment (and get a $5 discount from door price).
February 10 ENGLISH SJP Steve White Noel Cragg, Valerie Rose, Cat Taylor
February 11 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
February 11 ENGLISH FSJ Lise Dyckman Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner, William Allen
February 12 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
February 15 CONTRA CCB Charlie Fenton Green Gates, Jon Berger, Charlie Hancock, Todd Silverstein
February 20 ENGLISH ASE Steve White Mary Tabor, Noel Cragg, Paul Kostka
February 22 ENGLISH CCB David Newitt Shira Kammen, Karen Axelrod
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
February 24 CONTRA FUM Warren Blier The Corn Likkers, Ray Chen, Lael Sigal, Lauren Graves, Elijah Chen, Eleanor Chen
February 24 ENGLISH CCB Bruce Hamilton Shira Kammen, Karen Axelrod
February 25 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
February 29 CONTRA CCB Deanna Rubin The Leap Frogs, Will Wheeler, Noel Cragg, Randy Fish

Dance Venues

ASE All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St Palo Alto
CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FSJ First Unitarian Church of San Jose 160 N 3rd St San Jose
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
SJOF San Jose Odd Fellows 1035 Emory Street San Jose
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto